HSCN Hosting
The Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) provides a reliable, efficient and flexible way for
health and care organisations to access and exchange electronic information.
Hosting services
The Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) provides a reliable, efficient, and flexible way for health care organisations to access and exchange electronic information. One of the services we can provide is secure, efficient, and cost-effective third-party HSCN hosting services.
Our existing hosting customers develop software applications for the health and social care marketplace. We then provide their clients with secure and reliable access to those applications via the Health and Social Care Network. Some of the applications we currently host include patient pathway management, public health referral schemes, and in-house domestic and facility management systems.
By letting Asckey take care of the hosting, you can devote your time, energy, and finances to developing your applications. This then allows you to continue providing the best possible support and service to your clients.
Hosting benefits
- Tailored solution for each and every one of our customers.
- ISO27001:2022 Accredited (Data Security)
- ISO9001:2015 Accredited (Quality)
- Cyber Essentials Plus certified
- Tier 3-rated Data Centre
- Compliant with the Data Security Protection Toolkit
- GDPR Compliant