Asckey Data Services

fmfirst Portering

fmfirst® Portering is a quick and simple digital tool for the creation and management of porter tasks for busy, on the go departments.

fmfirst portering logo on different devices

Porter management software

The system can allocate tasks automatically to individuals or multiple porters to support larger jobs. There is functionality to have definable skills sets for jobs meaning they can be allocated to the right person, saving time and resources.

fmfirst® Portering provides a self-service portal, with drag-and-drop functionality. Task status can be tracked in real-time allowing for more effective time and resource management.

Porters can respond to tasks through the application to request more resources and can amend/update tasks as they go. As with all our applications, information can be seen in real-time in the dashboards to identify trends and opportunities to improve efficiencies.

The built-in reporting tools allow managers to collate and analyse data to support their operational decision making.

Why use fmfirst?

Workers on laptop illustration