Education settings
Education Facilities Management Software
Maintaining busy buildings and assets while ensuring Health & Safety compliance standards are being met is a huge challenge for schools, colleges and universities. Education facilities management software can help ensure your campus is run and maintained to a high standard.
Faciltities Managers must maintain a safe and operational environment. A substantial amount of time gets spent analysing the issues that can arise on site. This includes planned and preventative maintenance tasks, asset management, staff training, and other building/campus issues that may occur.
fmfirst® Tasking application enables users to easily create defect and planned work and manage and report on tasks. The application includes a Ward Helpdesk for contractors to update their allocated tasks and upload service records. This helps ensure time and resources are being allocated to the right areas.
Users can track and update jobs when out in the field by downloading the application on their mobile device. Users can also upload pictures of the issue being raised/rectified through the mobile app.
The application also comes with various reporting dashboards allowing Facility Managers to identify trends in the data and opportunities to improve efficiencies.

Asset management
Do you know which part of a boiler was replaced and when? Do you have an electronic record? If the answer is no to either of these then you could be wasting money and limiting your assets lifecycle.
Facilities managers have always faced challenges as they seek the most effective way of managing their assets. This includes keeping asset information up to date and easily accessible; particularly in terms of asset availability, maintenance status, and acquisition/disposal.
Our asset management module allows you to project plan for replacement equipment, over a user-definable period, which can be amended at any point. The system has fields in the asset register for future planning of replacement equipment and projected expenditure of those replacements.
Each asset uploaded to the system is assigned to a location which can be either a building/level/space or room depending on how the structure is configured. All this information is then searchable allowing you to see what assets are in each location.
Campus compliance
There are various compliance standards and building regulations that need to be adhered to. Facilities/Estates Managers are responsible for maintaining compliance programs and staying up to date with any amendments to the relevant standards and regulations.
Asckey’s fmfirst® Survey is a more tailored auditing/survey application that can be used for the quick and accurate collection of data. This data enables users to prove compliance and identify possible risk areas.
The robust survey tool can replace paper-based forms and checklists, supporting sustainability. It also provides a digital audit trail of completed tasks. Just some of the survey types it can accommodate are:
- Cleanliness audits
- Facility maintenance audits
- Fire risk assessments
- Housekeeping audits
- Incident reporting
- Kitchen controls
- Health and Safety checklists