Asckey Data Services

Stock management photo

New stock management module added to our fmfirst® Cloud

In the latest update of our fmfirst® Cloud platform, we have added a new Stock Management module among several other system developments.

Asset management focuses on the physical items and recording information against each asset, such as location, end of life, and servicing records. However, stock management provides the next level of information regarding the parts replaced for each asset.

Stock management module summary

The new stock management module, which is included in our fmfirst® Cloud application, allows users to add stock items in the system that can then be allocated to tasks. From an asset lifecycle perspective, this module enables users to see what parts of an asset have been replaced, and when. Thus, providing a truer account of the costs involved in certain tasks.

Users can track where stock is which will allow departments to see the value held at each storage location. For example, a van can be listed on the system as a ‘Store’ and listed against it can be all the parts they have stored in the van. Each of these parts will be allocated a value that will show against the ‘Store’.  It could have 3 boiler valve replacements in its van (value £100 each), when Trade staff are sent out to replace a valve, they can mark on the Job that they have taken the replacement valve out of the van and used on the job. The £100 valve will be deducted from the ‘Store’ value and added to the job value, along with the cost allocated against the time taken to complete the job.

Within the module, users can generate a custom QR Code and download multiple stock item QR codes from the list view. The mobile app allows for QR Code scanning to simplify the issuing and returning of stock items.

The Stock Item Level Status Report also displays the number of allocated, available, and minimum stock. This enables departments to track their inventory and allows users to issue or reserve items for certain jobs. This then helps the reordering process resulting in departments only ordering what is needed. This itemised way of billing and ordering provides a detailed audit trail to help better manage costs and resources.

Other updates

Along with the new stock management module, the latest release fmfirst® Cloud has seen some other developments to our applications.

fmfirst® Cloud is the platform that hosts our Cleaning, Portering, Survey and Tasking applications. The updates received include the following:

fmfirst® Tasking

  • The asset lookup function has been improved in the asset management module. Users can also now load an asset record in the Asset Details view and select an SFG20 frequency from the ‘Schedules’ tab and tap the ‘Service Now’ button to instantly generate a ticket.
  • A new Asset Dashboard has been created to include tickets, acquisition and status tabs to provide a total sum of the acquisition cost.
  • Our Asset Lifecycle tab now comes with a ‘Lifespan’ field so users can calculate the asset life and estimated disposal date.
  • The Company Dashboard lists the Contractors, Suppliers, Manufacturers, etc. and the associated documents like Insurance, PPM Quotation, ISO, and shows the RAG colour based on the document expiry.

fmfirst® Cleaning

  • Cosmetic changes made to the ‘Action Required Reports’ to make the report more readable.
  • The ‘Cleaning Scores Report’ has been developed to display the responsible group scores based on the assigned groups when the audit was carried out.

fmfirst® Portal

  • Updated to allow ‘Nursing/Clinical’ teams to feedback in real time action taken following an audit of their area.

Contact us today to discover more about our fmfirst® application suite.



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