Asckey Data Services

Old hands holiding each other

Meeting the CQC and Health and Social Care Act Regulations

The regulations for service providers and managers stipulate the standards that care should never fall below.

This includes the CQC fundamental standards but also the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. fmfirst® can support the governance requirements set out in these regulations.

Regulation 15: Premises and equipment

The purpose of this regulation is to ensure that premises where care and treatment are delivered are:

  • Clean
  • Secure
  • Fit for purpose
  • Properly used
  • Properly maintained
  • Appropriately located

Our fmfirst® suite of applications can support care homes by meeting these requirements. Built within fmfirst® Survey is an efficacy audit template. An efficacy audit allows users to record how the cleaning is carried out and can help measure your organisation’s compliance with;

  • Training
  • Infection and prevention control
  • Health and Safety
  • Cleaning-related processes

The fmfirst® Survey application is suitable for risk assessments, kitchen controls, and as a tool for collecting patient experiences/feedback surveys.

Our Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) module helps ensure assets are properly maintained and meet the requirements of relevant legislation. The robust document control module can store all relevant reports, warranties, and other documents against assets. As a result, maintenance teams can easily access the relevant information in one place.

Regulation 17: Good governance

This regulation requires that healthcare organisations have systems and processes in place to meet the requirements set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (Regulations 4 to 20A).

These assurance and auditing systems must ‘assess, monitor and drive improvement in the quality and safety of the services provided.’ This is where using a care home audit software application can help. Within our fmfirst® suite, providers can securely maintain accurate, detailed records against each person using the system. Each user can be allocated a restricted number of permissions based on their job role within the organisation.

One of the key modules to our applications is the Helpdesk. The job management and scheduling module integrates with all our applications to help manage your organisation effectively. You can manually assign tasks to staff or departments or set the Helpdesk to automatically assign tasks based on a specific location or priority.

The module provides users with full visibility from job allocation to completion and shows real-time data, allowing you to track KPIs through colour-coded dashboards. The available reporting function provides drill-down capability so you can assess and measure your performance and identify opportunities for improvement.

Our software aims to empower care organisations to control and manage their performance in readiness for CQC inspections.

Contact us today if you’d like to learn more about Asckey and how our software can support your organisation.



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