Asckey Data Services

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Asckey certified with ISO 14001:2015

Askey are delighted to announce that we have been awarded ISO 14001:2015 certification. ISO 14001 is a voluntary standard that sets out criteria for implementing an effective environmental management system (EMS).


What is environmental management?

Managing our impact on the environment is a key priority for Asckey. An environmental management system is a framework for making policy and process changes that help to improve our environmental performance.


Although we are a software provider, Asckey is committed to safeguarding the environment and minimising our environmental impact as best we can. Being ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 accredited already, moving towards ISO 14001 seemed a logical next step.


Commitment to improve

One of the ISO 9001 quality management principles, is the “process approach”.  A process approach is where more consistent results can be attained when consideration and management of activities are carried out as interrelated processes, which together, make up a system.


The process approach applies to an EMS because a comprehensive appreciation of an organisation’s processes and their interrelation needs to be known. Integrating this standard with our other standards means that we are not only enhancing the quality and security of our service to clients and staff, but we are also doing our part for the environment.


In the audit, which took place on 24th June, we demonstrated our commitment to maintaining the effectiveness and improvement of our integrated systems.


Passing the recent audit shows that our environmental impact, along with quality and security are now woven into all our business processes. It’s not a tick-box exercise, it’s a way of working we strongly believe in.


We want existing and potential clients to feel safe in the knowledge that we put the time and effort into making sure our products and services are the best they can possibly be. But at the same time, we want them to know that we are working in the most environmentally friendly way we possibly can. 


If you would like to read our Environmental Policy, you can find it here.



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