Asckey Data Services

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Simplifying the digital landscape for facilities management

We know that facilities management software is an investment, but one that can create many long-term gains. However, it’s all about finding the right application for your organisation.

Asckey specialises in facilities management software. Here we share a simplified overview of each application within our fmfirst® product suite.

Computer-Aided-Facilities-Management software (CAFM)

We built our CAFM application with a customer-centric approach, keeping simplicity and ease of use at the forefront. We ensure that each step follows a logical approach that makes it easier to navigate compared to other CAFM software providers. Intelligent Information flow and the intuitive system functionality simplify user operation with a variety of key modules which include;

  • Help-desk
  • Asset, Task & PPM management
  • Compliance & Document management
  • Reporting

We are one of few CAFM suppliers who are an SFG20 Approved Provider with BESA. SFG20 schedules can be integrated with our CAFM system, fmfirst® Estates, giving organisations increased control over maintenance schedules and costs. SFG20 schedules provide users with the optimal maintenance instructions, frequencies and required skillsets for the work required.

Task management

We recognised that our CAFM system can be too complex for the needs of some of our clients and for smaller FM providers. So, in 2020 our team developed fmfirst® Tasking. This application offers an alternative, cost-effective, stand-alone task management solution to help streamline internal and external tasking processes.

The simplified task management system helps users to better collate and analyse data. By doing so, resources can be allocated better, the lifecycle of assets can be extended and overall costs can be reduced.

Put simply, it allows users to digitally manage tasks, maintenance and track/update jobs instantly. The best part is that this application can be integrated with our cleaning and survey applications. It can also be integrated with third-party applications, helping you to collect and analyse data across platforms to gain the big picture.

Cleaning audit software

Cleaning audit software allows users to digitally conduct cleaning audits in line with the National Standards for Healthcare Cleanliness 2021. Asckey’s fmfirst® Cleaning application is designed to speed up the process of these audits.

fmfirst® Cleaning has been purposefully built to have minimum click-through options and be an easy-to-use application. It’s also designed to automate report emails once audits have been completed with any corrective actions that are required. This method of providing instant fault reporting and the options for rectifying, allows users to take action right away.

Being a cloud-based application, you achieve cost savings and its intuitive design makes it multi-platform and device compatible. Easy to use, ability to create audits quickly and saves you money, fmfirst® Cleaning could be the software you didn’t know you needed.

Survey software

Survey software is a great addition to facilities departments that only require the collection of data for individual tasks e.g., fire risk assessments, patient feedback etc.

Asckey’s fmfirst® Survey has a tailored software design meaning it can be adapted for any survey or audit type. We can build your existing templates into the application or we can create new ones to ensure you get what you need. This can include a variety of data entry options including creating conditional question sets. Templates can be created based on existing paper-based templates to allow staff to have an easier transition to a new way of working.

Facilities management applications shouldn’t be complicated. They should be simple enough to ensure there is a smooth transition for staff from one way of working to another.

Keeping the client in mind was the drive behind us becoming ISO9001:2015 (Quality) and ISO27001:2013 (Information Management Security) accredited. And as we enhance our applications based on client feedback, we have every confidence in the benefits it offers to our clients.

Contact us today to see how our software can support your business needs.



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